UAB "Karbonas" has completed the implementation of a project under the 2014-2020 European Union Funds Investment Action Program measure "Regio Invest LT+."

UAB "Karbonas" has implemented the project "Expansion of Production Activities at UAB "Karbonas," Increasing Company Efficiency and Creating New Jobs," project code No. 03.3.1-LVPA-K-803-01-0093.

8/30/20181 min read

UAB "Karbonas" has implemented the project "Expansion of Production Activities at UAB "Karbonas," Increasing Company Efficiency and Creating New Jobs," project code No. 03.3.1-LVPA-K-803-01-0093.

For the implementation of this project, UAB "Karbonas" received up to 923,814.45 Euros of EU Structural Funds support from the European Union's European Regional Development Fund under the 2014-2020 European Union Funds Investment Action Program Priority 3 "Promotion of Competitiveness of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises," Measure No. 03.3.1-LVPA-K-803 "Regio Invest LT+."

UAB "Karbonas" is an SME, the only one in Lithuania providing all types of metal cutting services (laser cutting, waterjet cutting, plasma cutting, and gas cutting) to businesses. The company continuously invests in the modernization and expansion of metal processing manufacturing technologies, offers a wide range of other metal processing services, and manufactures non-standard equipment and component parts according to customers' technical requirements. To increase productivity, improve the quality of metal processing services provided, and expand the range of services offered, UAB "Karbonas" constructed a new production workshop in Garliava and acquired modern, high-performance metal processing equipment.

The project's goal is the modernization and expansion of UAB "Karbonas" production activities, increasing efficiency, and creating new jobs. Upon project completion, UAB "Karbonas" will create 21 new long-term jobs.

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